Implementation of Competence-Based Approach to Practical Training on Discipline "Prevention of Dental Diseases"
competence, methodical script, vocational trainingAbstract
Nowadays the necessity for highly qualified medical specialists' training rises. But at the same time we must train an individual in a position of permanent self-improvement and mobility. Method of bibliosystematisation, systems analysis method and logical synthesis were used for our research. According to it the methodological recommendations to the practical lesson "Indexed grade hygienic condition of the oral cavity" were worked up. This practical lesson consists of three components: the preparatory phase, the main part and the final part. At each stage new competences are formed or formed competences are trained. Following teaching methods were proposed: discussion (dialogue, group discussion, analysis of situations in practice); professional training with elements of role-playing games; communication training. For testing students' knowledge and skills different methods of control were used: individual and frontal verbal questioning; solving tests and situational problems. Competence approach requires from a teacher to realize what general and professional competencies are needed for the dental hygienist in his future professional activity. The most important task is to teach future dental hygienist to provide medical and dental preventive care to patients according to intensive development of modern technologies, to adapt to changing labor market, to assess the social consequences of their actions. Interactive forms and methods make it possible to create a comfortable learning environment for students where they can feel their importance and reveal the ability to feel confidence in their own abilities.
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