Presentation Methods of Subject-Matter Information while Non-Fiction Translator Teaching
professional translator’s competence, subject-matter competence, terminological competence, notional scheme, computer sciences, computer programming languageAbstract
The article is devoted to the profession-oriented text analysis for the field of computer science (topic – Computer Programming Language). It describes the process of drawing up a notional scheme and the selection of English and Ukrainian terminological units for the acquisition of TC subject-matter and terminological components. The following steps were taken to solve the abovementioned task: 1) The original English texts (topics – Business and education oriented languages, Object-oriented languages and Declarative languages) were chosen to translate and analyze; 2) The texts were translated into Ukrainian; 3) The appropriate terms were selected in both English and Ukrainian texts; 4) English-Ukrainian and Ukrainian-English terminological vocabularies were made based on the selected terms; 5) The main subject-matter notions of both English and Ukrainian texts were selected and their hierarchy was established; 6) The notional schemes based on the abovementioned notions and their hierarchy were made. The notional schemes represent subject-matter knowledge that can help to form professional translator’s competence.
The methodology of using such schemes while non-fiction translator teaching needs to be studied within the framework of our further research.
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