The Development of the Aim-Centred Component of Teaching Foreign Languages in the Soviet Union under the Conditions of Restoring School Education in Postwar Period (1946 – the beginning of the 1950s)
foreign language teaching aim-centred component, practical aim, educational aim, cultural aim, foreign language education contentsAbstract
The article deals with the analysis of the aim-centred component of the foreign language teaching in the Soviet Union under the conditions of restoring school education in postwar period. The main tendencies of the development of the aims of teaching foreign languages are singled out based on the research of the scientific and pedagogical literature as well as methodical resources and official documents. The correlation of the contents of foreign language education with the aims of teaching is revealed. The scientific methods of analyses, synthesis, description and comparison have been used in order to define the contents of practical, educational and cultural aims. The reasons of the receptive-and-reproductive theory of teaching foreign languages in 1946 – the beginning of the 1950s are given. It has been proved that the followers of the receptive-and-reproductive theory paid special attention to the cultural aim of the foreign language teaching. The influence of the governmental educational decrees on the formulation of the aims of foreign language teaching has been analyzed. As a result, the necessity of improving oral speaking skills in the foreign language started to be articulated in the second half of the 1950s.
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