The Development of Foreign Language Communicative Competence of Future Marketing Professionals by Means of Social Networks




internet-marketing, foreign language communicative competence of marketing professionals, social media marketing, social networks learning potential


The article analyzes the potential of social networks in teaching foreign languages to students specializing in marketing in view of developing foreign language communicative competence while mastering social media marketing skills. Two modes of learning are singled out based on students’ involvement and level of independence: active and passive. Within the passive mode students use the existing social networks, groups and public pages that are designed for the purpose of language learning. Within the active mode students create their own content and administer their own groups, public pages etc. in social networks, thus acquiring hands- on experience in using the language and promoting their content, which is a crucial element in social media marketing, and therefore the necessary competence for future marketing specialists. The article analyzes SMM skills to be mastered by students specializing in marketing, and the forms, methods and ways of using social network in language teaching to marketing professionals. The long-term project is suggested to be implemented in the course of teaching foreign languages through the means of social networks. The objective of the project is to create and promote a language learning group or a public page in a social network with over a thousand followers. The following project stages are developed: 1) Initial stage: creating the group, distributing duties, engaging the first wave of followers; 2) Developing content; 3) Promotion; 4) Commercial application. Tasks and learning objectives are developed for each stage. The project is designed to be adjusted to various motivation levels and learning loads.


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