The Essence and the Structure of Future Specialists’ Business Competence in Ukraine
business, entrepreneur, business activity, professional training, competence, key competence, business competenceAbstract
For the younger generation business is the primary or secondary form of employment, which proves the urgency of business competence formation. Solution of this problem requires the theoretical studies and development of pedagogical conditions of future specialists’ business competence formation. Unfortunately, among the main flaws of modern professional training in Ukraine we can identify the low motivation for the expression of business initiative and insufficient level of formation of readiness for business activity (incorporated by the content of professional education) and the lack of implementation in the educational process the innovative forms and methods that creates controversy between modern professional education and needs of small and medium businesses. Based on the results of scientific research it was found that business competence of future specialists is a component of their professional competence. Analysis of publications dedicated to the abovementioned problem allows us to conclude: the future specialists’ business competence formation involves acquiring of economic knowledge and developing skills of their use that helps to solve business tasks by students; forming ability of the person to self-realization and self-development that leads to manifestation of making the business initiative. Indicators of business competence formation are: level of knowledge; future specialists’ positive attitude to business as a part of the Ukrainian economy; existence of business skills and elements of business culture; independence in applying professional knowledge and skills; readiness for making economically- reasonable decisions; awareness of responsibility for the quality of the business tasks doing.
Further scientific research aimed at developing a technology of forming the future specialists’ business competence on condition of the realization the Program "Youth in business" in Kharkov Trade and Economic Institute of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economic.
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