Methodical Bases of Health Care Competence Formation of Preschoolers




health care competence of preschoolers, algorithm health implements lifestyle, objectives and principles valeological education, health care technology


The research deals with finding the optimal tools forming health care competence of preschoolers as a base for an active, cheerful, successful, happy life. The scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, description and comparison have been used in order to define objectives, principles of valeological parenting, optimal conditions forming health care competence. The latter being understood as a set of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values aimed at the preservation, creation and strengthening of health – his and others – in everyday life.

Trinity Parties health (physical, mental, spiritual) define the tasks facing the teacher for the conservation, maintenance and enhancement of children's health. Valeological education is based on the principles of commitment, scientific, systematic, humanism, activity approach, taking into account individual characteristics, altruism, in principle measure and the principle of "do no harm". Among the conditions of health care competence formation we have identified the following: the systematic provision and renovation valeological basic knowledge and skills of children; casual valeological education; involving children to participate in activities aimed at enriching and strengthening health; positive example from adults; educate parents on valeology and pedagogy; creating the necessary sanitary conditions for maintaining the health of children; optimal mobility of children within a reasonable and acceptable. The conclusions made that the determining factors of forming and preserving the health of children is high qualification of teachers, their motivation to health care children and close relationship with their parents.


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