Methodology of Determination the Specified Coefficient of Experts’ Competence of the Scientific Activity Evaluation
scientific activity, expert competence, evaluation, competence coefficient, monitoringAbstract
The problem of experts' selection is one of the most difficult in a theory and practice of expert researches. The selection only at a quality level does not always allow to form skilled expert group. Therefore the evaluation of the expert’s competence is more often carried out with the help of the special numerical index – coefficient of competence.
During the research, we used a comparative analysis, mathematical methods and special methods of experts’ quality evaluation: a priori, a posterior and tests.
Development of methodology of finding the specified coefficient of experts’ competence and expert group of the scientific activity evaluation became a result of undertaken study. In the article for the determination of the specified coefficient of competence there is the offered formula that takes into account data, determined to the beginning of the examination realization, namely – the level of professional preparation and being informed, the level of basic argumentation at making decision, personal internals of expert, the level of actions coordination with the members of working group, and includes the results of the special numerical index, calculated on the basis of the results of previous examinations (tours of expert evaluation).
This methodology was approved at Vinnitsa State Pedagogical University. The results of approbation showed a positive dynamics in relation to the increase of absolute values of basic indexes of competence and confirmed expediency of realization of several tours of expert evaluation. The offered methodology can be also used as auxiliary for realization of checked calculation in relation to validity of determination to the beginning of the examination realization of experts’ competence coefficient.
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