The Programme of the Elective Course "The Competency-Based Approach in Pharmaceutical Education as a Subject of Pedagogical Design"
competency-based approach in pharmaceutical education, pedagogical design, programme of the academic discipline (elective course), European Credit Transfer SystemAbstract
In the article, it has been revealed that the implementation of the competency-based approach in the system of vocational training of future specialists for the pharmaceutical sphere in modern higher education institutions (medical schools) involves aiming at the high level of development in students a set of demanded competencies required for them to qualitatively perform their professional activities.
The key objective of this article is to analyze the programme of the academic discipline (elective course), namely: "The Competency-based Approach in Pharmaceutical Education as a Subject of Pedagogical Design". In this scientific paper there have been used the methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis to consolidate the experience in designing the content of the academic discipline (elective course) "The Competency-based Approach in Pharmaceutical Education" in the settings of implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in the National Medical University named after O. O. Bohomolets; methods of pedagogical design for substantiation and development of contextual, operational, final-assessment program components of the mentioned academic discipline.
The author has discovered that in the process of pedagogical design of the structure of the program for the academic discipline (elective course) "The Competency-based Approach in Pharmaceutical Education" in the settings of implementation of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in the training process of the students for the specialisation 226 "Pharmacy" it is important to develop the didactic complex of information supply for the academic discipline which improves the context of the topic-related workshops, the quality of the tests for evaluating educational progress of students and their self-performed work. In the feasibility study of the scientific and methodical approach to developing the Programme of the elective course studied there was decided on the development of the contextual, operational and final assessment components.
When designing the contextual component of the course there were specified its goals and objectives, selected and arranged the topics of the course with consideration of the training module.
Throughout the development of the operational component of the course there was considered the combination of different forms of educational process: workshops, self-study activities, assessment tools.
The formal manifestation of realization of the final assessment component of designing of the mentioned course there became the design of the ECTS-based assessment system for evaluation of educational progress of students, as a result of which there were chosen the following assessment tools: the ongoing written assessment (module knowledge assessment), panel and individual interviews, self-assessment and final assessment which is assigned in the final lesson with the use of tests and solving situational problems.
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