The article is dedicated to the investigation of the specific of the creative skills formation in time of translation in future translators and improving their level of communicative competence in English class. The perspective of using creative translati
skills, creative translation, future translators, speech patterns, foreign communicative competenceAbstract
The article is dedicated to the investigation of the specific of the creative skills formation in time of translation in future translators and improving their level of communicative competence in English class. The perspective of using creative translation is released as well as the requirements for their choice. It is mentioned that poems are essential resource in time of new terms learning and that in general they improve the level of the translators' professional communicative preparation.
The specific of the contemporary communicative preparation of the future philologists is caused by integrational processes in our society, globalization and access to the information worldwide web, the necessity in highly competent specialists in the translation field, tourism and translation. The requirement of our time is to change the approach of our educational paradigm giving priority to the communicative preparation which points out the main aim of the teaching process at the university level. The experimentally proved system of the creative translation teaching consists of three main stages: preparation, main body and analyses. The quintessential part of the technology is the formation of imprinting in time of learning new words and being ready to write the individual creative essays. Creative translation as the main technique is directed on the foreign communicative competence formation of the future translators.
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