Paradigm Approach to the Training Specialists of Social Sphere
paradigm, methodology, systematic methodology, paradigm approach, training the workers of the social sphere, methodology of the training of the social workersAbstract
The article deals with the specific scientific methodology opportunities of paradigm approach. The author states advantages and limitations of applying the "paradigm" to research and practice, because paradigm acts as a regulatory component of the methodology.
It is spoken in detail about the structural and semantic analysis of the categories "paradigm" and "methodology" to identify their essential features. Understanding the nature of the regulatory and action-related methodology and the nature of the regulatory paradigm proves promising possibilities of paradigmatic approach to systematic methodology dominance.
The author proposed a paradigm approach to the training of social workers that is built on the integration paradigms vocational education, social education and social work, university education, innovative university education.
Much attention is given to the methodological guidelines, interdisciplinary scientific dominance, content categories and concepts, the paradigm approach.
According to the article the importance of proper evaluation of paradigmatic approach in the other approaches to the training of social workers is substantiated. In conclusion the author writes about the perspectives of the paradigm approach ability to integrating traditional education and modern educational paradigm which are analyzed.
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