Using Podcasts with Students of Non-Linguistic Majors to Develop Professional Communication Competence
podcast, English teaching and German for specific purposes, communicative approach, professional communicationAbstract
The article deals with the issue of updating learning materials used in ESP with students of non-linguistic universities majoring in 'Economics' and 'Management' in view of current requirements to the level of foreign language competence of job applicants.
The suggested topic is substantiated by solid research on the benefits of interdisciplinary and cross-curriculum learning materials.
The article analyzes the peculiarities of podcasts as a didactic material compared to traditional audio texts used for teaching listening, and studies the ways of using podcasts in teaching English and German to students specializing in management and economics.
Podcasts are deemed more efficient in motivating students, and developing their professional communication skills due to the key benefits they provide: topicality, autonomy, authenticity, versatility and life-to-classroom adjustment potential.
The article provides thorough analysis of websites that publish podcasts in view of their applicability for ESP. The web-resources are divided into ELT and non-ELT. ELT resources provide task sheets to each podcast, adjusted to specific language background of the learners; however, the topics are limited, and thus cannot be viewed as a substantial resource to develop an audio course of English or German. Non-ELT resources are more versatile, field-specific, and provide up-to-date information, news, expert opinion and advice on burning issues of modern economics and management. However, they are not adjusted to ESL students in their linguistic aspect and duration.
The article studies key principles of developing task sheets for podcasts to be used in teaching English and German to students majoring in economics and management.
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