Features of the Teachers' Training of Ukraine and Turkey in the Context of European Integration
teachers' training, program, eurointegration, higher educationAbstract
Integration processes taking place in Western Europe are contributing to new developments in education. The national educations systems of countries in the future want to become part of the European Community.
Ukraine, according to the requirements of the Bologna process is complete civilizational modernization of higher education through information and communication technologies. However, European integration processes in education are based on the principle of national identity education systems. The European community with great respect refers to the education systems of different countries. Unity in diversity was and remains ideological and value base of European education. The process of European unification and its distribution to the East is accompanied by the formation of joint educational and scientific space and the development of common standards and criteria. Therefore, great interest is studying the experience of foreign countries – Ukraine's closest neighbours to the reform and development of education. Future teachers' training on the basis of multiculturalism involves: – providing legal rights, meeting the educational and cultural needs of national (ethnic) language and cultural minorities; formation of young citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities are full of ideas about ethnic and linguistic and cultural diversity of contemporary Ukrainian society and the contribution of different ethnic groups in Ukrainian history and culture, knowledge of the language and culture of large and small peoples inhabiting Ukraine, belief in the value of cultural diversity and pluralism; the education of the representatives of all nationalities of mutual understanding, respect and tolerance, the ability to inter-ethnic and inter-cultural dialogue, conviction peaceful resolution of problems and conflicts. Turkish universities that prepare teachers offer programs that are similar programs liberal arts colleges in the United States. The majority of Turkish higher educational institutions teaching perspective, especially private, use innovative curriculum, based on curriculum of humanitarian community college. To master the future teachers of multicultural competence to teachers' training programs are the following requirements: first, the presence of multicultural component in all training courses, materials and manuals; Second, the scope of each and every students future teachers specially designed courses of multicultural education and education equality; Third, the passage of students' teaching practice at schools with cultural and language-diverse group of pupils.
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