Active Learning in Professional Communication Formation of the Future Aviation Specialists in the Process of Professional English Training
activity, methods of teaching, communication, foreign language, educational activity, aviation specialistAbstract
The article deals with active learning in professional communication formation of the future aviation specialists. The paper defines that active learning is widely used in the process of professional English training. The main task of the research is to develop an importance of active methods of teaching in the process of professional English training which are aimed at communication formation of the future aviation specialists. Active methods are determined as the ways of students’ educational activity promotion which cause them to be mentally active in the process of material study. It goes without saying that in educational interaction teachers and students are very active. Main methodological principles of communicative professionally oriented approach, necessary for communication formation of the future aviation specialists, are highlighted in the article notably of communicative orientation, role communicative training and collective interaction. Active methods of teaching such as role plays and business games, discussions, debates are recognized to be the most effective forms of specific conditions activity modelling for future aviation specialists in the process of professional English training. It’s proven that communication formation of the future aviation specialists are ensured by business games which considered to be the best ones in communicative training organization and the most common form of active learning, therewith a business game is a preparation and adaptation method for professional activity.
It’s determined that active methods of teaching arouse students’ interest to study, provide communicative activity stimulation and creative potential formation of future aviation specialists.
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