Model of Professional and Pedagogical Training of Primary School Teachers to Teach Choreography
professional and pedagogical training of future elementary school teachers to teach dance, model vocational teacher training, individual choreographic styleAbstract
The priority issue of higher education teaching focus during the integration of Ukraine into the European educational space is training a new generation of teachers. Modern schools need teachers who represent a great creative personality, able to maximize the realization of the creative potential of the student, and it is typical for teachers of artistic disciplines, including dance teachers. The article is figuring out ways to improve the training of future elementary school teachers to teach choreography. Solving this problem is possible by the creation of author's model of the educational process. Scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, synthesis and comparison were used for the study of scientific literature on the research topic, analysis of categorical basic concepts and development models author vocational teacher training primary school teachers to teach choreography. The paper presents a model building vocational and educational training of primary school teachers to teach dance, scientifically grounded concept of "individual choreographic writing" as a result of the highest (creative) of the relevant type of alert, determined its criteria and indicators. The directions for further work: the author developed a model for professional and pedagogical training of future elementary school teachers to teach dance in the number of higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
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