Formation of a Motivational Sphere of Future Primary School Teachers Based on Attributive Approach as a Pedagogical Condition of Its Preparation for the Formation of Social Competence of Primary School Pupils
pedagogical conditions, training of future primary school teachers, the formation of motivational sphere, attributive approachAbstract
The pedagogical conditions of future primary school teacher training for the formation of primary school pupils’ social competence are determined in the article. They have been represented as a set of interrelated circumstances based on a focused and systematic coordination of activities of subjects of educational interactions in higher educational establishments, in order to improve the future primary school teacher training to the formation of social competence of primary school pupils. The essence and methods of implementation of one of them, namely the formation of motivational sphere of future teachers as for the formation of social competence of primary school pupils based on attributive approach have been studied.
The analysis of the ideas of foreign psychologists that reveal the influence of motives of learning and achievements of the educational process efficiency in secondary and higher educational institutions was made. The psychologists’ generalization concerning the peculiarities of the attributive style (optimistic, pessimistic) of students was presented as the characteristics of their personality that has as individual expression and can be measured by means of specific diagnostic techniques and also changed with the help of advisory accompaniment or support.
The basic directions of attributive approach introduction in training the future primary school teachers on the basis of principles of teacher’s behavior introduced by B. Takman, were determined.
The attention was focused on the feasibility of developing and implementing the program of motivational sphere development of primary school teachers to the formation of social competence of primary school pupils. Based on the conducted analysis, the main directions of its realization were summarized, such as: the work with students on the optimistic attributive style development, high motivation of achievement and self-determination, increasing motivation to personal and professional self-improvement in a future profession, support of positive results of motivating development etc.
It is concluded that the use of attributive approach in general will contribute to the enhancement of students’ learning motivation, prevention of their state of helplessness that may occur as a result of their own frustration. It also may help to learn the skills of the own results evaluation and planning of their actions based on the high achievement motivation.
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