Vocal-Pedagogical Education in China and Its Meaning for Self-Organization of Training Space of Chinese Students
musical-pedagogical education, vocal, self-organization, training space, pedagogue-musician, adaptation, Chinese studentsAbstract
On modern level of development of higher musical-pedagogical education in Ukraine, development and implementation of new methods of self-organization of training space for future pedagogues-musicians is becoming actual. In connection to the fact that great amount of students from China study in Ukrainian universities, scientists need to pay particular attention to specificity of work with foreign students and research peculiarities of musical-pedagogical education of this country. The article determines that general studying model in China is not directed to development and forming of skills of independent analytical work on learning materials and skills of self-organization of training space from aim setting to evaluation of the results of personal learning activities. The abovementioned has to be considered while development of methods of self- organization of training space for future pedagogues musicians. Analysis of scientific literature, studying practice of training of pedagogues musicians in the class ''Vocal'' in the system of higher musical education in China allowed to determine the following peculiarities of training of specialists: vocal art contains a spiritual element and can improve only based on general development of a personality; process of learning vocal art by a university student stipulates synthesis of arts – vocal, stage, poetry and literature in general and understanding of culture of their own countries and culture of other countries. Within the article, attention is focused on peculiarities of vocal training of future pedagogues-musicians, as this is an important factor in projecting and implementation of training activity in Ukrainian universities and in development and implementation of methods of self-organization of training space for Chinese students. The abovementioned provides an opportunity to take into consideration specific peculiarities of Chinese students’ national culture, their mentality and level of general musical training and vocal training.
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