The Use of Interactive Learning Technologies in Formation of the Professional and Legal Competence of Students in Universities of Ukraine, the European Union and the UK: a Comparative Aspect


  • S. Yashchuk Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування України, м. Київ, Ukraine



technology, interactive technology, social work, social worker, legal competence, the сhristian social practice, multicultural background


Problem setting. The article deals with analysis of future social workers’ training in the context of forming students’ professional legal competency in higher education institutions of European Union (EU) and Ukraine. Based on the study of scientific and reference sources peculiarities of the educational process in the most popular higher education institutions, particularly, in EU, offering Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in social work have been defined.

Methods. To achieve objectives of the research the following research methods were applied: analysis and synthesis of empirical and theoretical foundations that are presented in the professional literature of various scientific fields (pedagogy, psychology, training methodology etc.) in works by domestic and foreign researchers.

Results. It was found out that problem-based learning involves mastering knowledge and a plan of actions made through a problem-based way in several steps: simulation of a problem-based situation, analysis and statement of a problem, forming a hypothesis.

Conclusions. Problems of legal activity realization in the context of globalization and transformation of national legal systems, Ukraine’s integration into international and European legal space, philosophy and methodology of legal activity in higher legal education have been analyzed by T. Maslennikova, V. Ryzhykova and others. V. Hrynova, O. Ivanii, M. Podberezskyi and others have investigated legal competency of specialists. Rather perspective we consider further study of peculiarities of future social workers’ training in the context of forming students’ professional legal competency in higher education institutions of European Union (EU), the USA and


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