Self-Education as a Significant Issue of the Future Electricians' Training
self-education, self education activities, technical colleges, engineering, electriciansAbstract
The article reviews the problems of the developing the ability to self-education and self study activity of the students of technical colleges during the tuition of vocationally-orientated subjects.
Also, the article stresses that today self-education is included into the education of Ukraine and involves the reinforcement of professional skills or obtaining already known scientific information.
It aims to obtain new scientific and methodological knowledge and master the means of applying them in practical activities. Self-education arrangement depends on many factors and professional self-education of electricians first of all is aimed at the perfection of his training.
The study of electrotecnical disciplines in technical colleges on one hand provides theoretical and practical training of junior specialists with the cycle of basic disciplines and on the other hand assists the development and formation of the students the necessary knowledge and practical skills on maintenance and repair of electrical appliances. The independent activity of a future electrician is considered as a process of learning and assimilation of social experience concerning his professional sphere, understanding the structure of the activity and its results.
There are conditions for the organization of the educational process with the aim to develop and form the capability of the future specialists in electrical engineering as for the lifelong self-education.
It is emphasized that the process of study should be organized as an investigation of certain processes and phenomena which are carried out in cooperation among them using means of information and communication technologies. It is necessary to provide the training process with the creative research activity and the result of the study should not be only the acquisition of knowledge and skills, but the ability to draw their own conclusions.
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