The Impact of Scientific-Investigative Work on the Development of the Personality of a Teacher- Researcher




research activity, teacher-researcher, professional and creative advancement, motivation of the researcher


Today the state of education and science has reached a high level of informatization, which often leads to lower levels of a search activity and the level of the personality’s scientific-investigative work. A new system of education should teach to solve problems, have and gain knowledge. Poll results of doctors and candidates of pedagogical sciences, postgraduates of educational specialties of classical, teacher’s training, humanitarian, specialized universities, graduate education establishments, colleges and collegiums of different regions of Ukraine are given in the article. Analysis of the results of this study confirmed the importance of scientific- investigative research for professional advancement, formation of the research competence, self-development of a teacher-researcher. Moreover, the experiment examined scientists’ motivation and attitude to scientific- investigative work and achievements of respondents’ personal and professional advancement. The result of the research was to point out principal reasons that motivate scientists to research; to determine positive and negative changes that occurred in the development of their personality. The level of potential possibilities for further scientific-investigative work, improvement of professionalism and satisfaction with their own achievements were presented in the article. The most important explanation on the start-up period of the scientific-investigative work is as follows: the involvement of teachers-scholars into this activity during their students’ years; prestige of this status and the fact that their parents were engaged in the research work. The figures are a little subjective, as they are based on respondents’ self-appraisal and self-analysis of the results of their activity, but significant experience in scientific-investigative work and direct participation of the scientists investigated allowed us to use the data as the basis of the study. Their adequacy will be checked in our further research. Data presented in this article can be used to work with university students and postgraduates teaching them subjects connected with scientific-investigative work to demonstrate positive changes in intellectual, procedural, psychological, communicative and physiological meaning that occur in advancement of the personality while working at the study.


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