Activities of the Polish Community in Volyn in the Sphere of Music Education in Ukraine




Polish folklorist, Ukrainian art, musical pedagogic


Development of Ukrainian musical pedagogics in a separate region is not only artistic traditions of local population but also traditions of representatives of other nationalities. A lot of ethnic population always lived on the area of Volyn. The history connected Ukrainians and Poland in one sociocultural community. This community has stipulated cultures interaction. There was "Ukrainian direction" in the Polish art. It was characterized by romantically-emotional moods at the beginning of the 18th of century. From the middle of the 19th century that relation changes: musical work has become the object of scientific researches of the Polish philosophers, musicians, theorists. Their activity has become an important constituent in development of culture and art of Ukraine.

Despite the differences of researchers over relation to the role of Poland in the cultural and historical development of Ukraine it is worth noting outstanding authority of Poland-teachers for our territory (land). They play the instrumental role in the development of the organic schooling on the right Bank of Volyn. A significant number of educational institutions of various Catholic orders was based and worked in almost all the territory of the right Bank. Activities of the Polish nobles were important; their active support of the arts has become a guarantee of a high level of cultural development of the region. The researchers commend Polish folklorists, which began to study folklore of Volyn region before the Ukrainian art-critics did. In the process of its creation the following methods were used: chronological, historical, synthesis, generalization of literary and historical sources, the method of extrapolation and historical analogy. These artists worked in almost all areas. Of course, they cared about the traditions of his homeland. The professional art of Ukraine of the XX century was developed in this combination. Thus, the contribution of the Polish ethnic community in the development of musical education and culture of Volyn can be defined as significant.


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