Organization of Unsupervised Foreign Language Learning Activity for Students Specializing in Ecology
foreign language learning, unsupervised learning, foreign language corrective courseAbstract
The article raises the problem of discrepancy between the requirements to professional communication of environment specialists and the actual level of their preparation. In particular, the global environmental threats call for uniting the efforts of specialists from all over the world, while students specializing in environment studies in Ukraine are not ready to carry our professional communication in a foreign language. Partially the low level of language education is accounted for by the state of school education in the country. Meanwhile the amount of time allotted to language studies at non-linguistic universities is reduced.
Thus, the author provides a series of forms, methods and ways of organizing independent learning and unsupervised activity of students to bridge the gap between actual and required language levels. The article provides the basis for developing a corrective course of a foreign language for students specializing in ecology.
The course is designed to be taken independently by students to ensure the platform for further studying the language for professional communication. The article contains common subject matter of the course based on the European Framework of Reference for Languages.
To ensure further motivation and engagement of students in language studies, the author suggests developing a manual of professional language learning through video based on a set of documentaries and fiction movies on the respective theme. The manual shall contain reading logs for the students to fill in during the course. The article also suggests project tasks for unsupervised learning designed specifically for students specializing in ecology.
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