Pedagogical Ideas in the Heritage of Ivan Franko
Ivan Franko's pedagogical heritage, Ivan Franko's pedagogical ideas, the goals of the national education, teacher, content, education, methods of educationAbstract
As the title implies the article describes and analyzes the heritage of Ivan Franko within the context of Ukrainian education. The article touches upon the important issues of Ivan Franko's works. It is specially noted the fundamental pedagogical ideas which are challenging during the development of society and educational system of Ukraine in modern times. The text gives valuable information on the essence of the goal and the principle directions of the rising generation's education on the ground of Ivan Franko's views. It is described in short the contribution and requirements for the teacher, the main principles, content and methods of education for the purposes of modern demands. Attention is drawn to the main achievements of ''Great Kameniar'' (so called Ivan Franko) as a historian of the pedagogy. Their role and significance in national life of Ukrainian society are underlined. The author comes to the conclusion that Ivan Franko's pedagogical ideas are vitally important for the next generation. According to the article his pedagogical ideas are major steps forward in education sciences development.
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