Independence as a Necessary Training Part of Future Music Teachers in a Distance-Learning Process




Educational activity, independence, distance-learning, music teacher


The article actualizes the training problem of future music teachers while a distance-learning process. A theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign researches was carried out, where the essence and contents of concepts such as "independence" and "distance-learning'' are justified. Based on the concept, it is worth highlighting the specifications of training for future music teachers while a distance-teaching process. This research theoretically justifies the effectiveness of using the distance-learning funds for work organization of future music teachers. We found out that the effectiveness of distance-learning and process of professional training depends on mastering distance technology during the study at Pedagogical teachers' colleges. In the article, the advantages and disadvantages of distance-learning are explored. Regarding advantages, we refer to the availability of studying for various groups, the ability to study at the time of one's choosing, at the pace one is used to, at any place, study on-the-job, during maternity leave etc., the availability of education material and an individual approach on learning. Furthermore, the article mentions the music teachers' goodwill for professional activity at work, involving such qualities as creative independence and intellectual activity. The aforementioned qualities play the main role in a complex of musical and pedagogical skills and they result in specific activities where general thinking is mixed with special musical skills. The future music teachers' career education should be realized through the students' intellectual development, the formation of landmarks of genres and styles, the ability of understanding and making sense of musical forms and the means of expression and art.


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