Efficiency of Polycultural Education in the Secondary Schools According to the Results of Pedagogical Experiment
a pedagogical experiment, efficiency criterion, polycultural educationAbstract
Methodology of experimental research in the sphere of education requires instruments of quantitative evaluation of qualitative pedagogical processes of education, development, formation etc. One of these instruments is a system of criteria built according to the theoretical grounded structure.
According to the structure of polycultural competence, its efficiency in our research is measured by the criteria of level of cultural and cognitive, tolerant and evaluative, and communicative and behavioral potentials of secondary school students.
Efficiency of implementing the author’s model of polycultural education in the secondary schools was measured in the process of pedagogical experiment. According to the cultural and cognitive component, the positive tendency of pupils’ acknowledgement with their own culture and the other cultures in the region is revealed. According to tolerant and evaluative component, the level of tolerance of the pupils of experimental group increased from 36.81 % to 78.02 %. The level of communicative and behavioral component was measured with the test of communicative tolerance which revealed an increase of number of pupils with high level of communicative tolerance.
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