Criteria of Monitoring the Activity of Innovative Secondary Schools: Acmeological Approach
criteria for monitoring, acmeological approach, values, value principles, axiological sphere, innovative secondary schoolsAbstract
The paper presents an analysis of the scientific literature to determine the theoretical assumptions of research values of innovation in education. The research deals with the system criteria of monitoring innovative secondary schools. This system of criteria is interpreted as a set of interdependent scales of acmeological evaluative principles of the educational institutions that reflect the ideal model of interaction of innovative secondary schools and modern values education. In the basis of the analysis the organizational structure of secondary schools (subject, object, object, condition and product) are brought into light to ensure the expected results of education. The key trends in the design of monitoring criteria of innovative secondary schools are identified in the scientific literature. The highlighted differences in approaches to the evaluation of innovative secondary schools and criteria of tracking the results of their activities require the determination of common fundamental provisions of monitoring the current state of value principles of innovative secondary schools in Ukraine. The scientific methods of analyses, synthesis, description and comparison have been used to single out the main trends of forming criteria for monitoring the innovative secondary schools.
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