Methods of Self-Conducting and Choral Skills of Music Students at Educational Institutions




self-regulation, a teacher of music, professional training, techniques, skills, activities


The problem of self-regulation of professional activity of future teacher of music is shown in the article. The development of self-organizing organizes the academic work of students, equipping abilities of independent tasks to build his conducting and choral skills. Self-regulation is interpreted as the ability of the individual to see the ultimate goal of its activities independently find a rational way to achieve and implement, manage their operations and as that meets today's requirements.

The phenomenon is considered the highest degree of identity when the acquired skills and achieve perfection turned into skills, and the sequence of their execution is carried out automatically. Self-regulation is the desire and ability to bring the professional training to the end, overcome difficulties through self-discipline, self- control, self-belief, self-esteem. The author of the article states that the task of the teacher is to manage the process of self-student directing his actions intellectual and cognitive areas through its self-regulation skills. The work advocates the idea that this process can be successful under the following conditions: when the individual can adequately display and simulate learning situations; transform their own internal and external activities, in accordance with state academic content and situations; do wilful efforts to overcome difficulties and achieve the desired professional goals.


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