The article deals with the meaning of the concepts ''creativity'' and ''creation'' in the terms of the formation of language communicative personality of the prospective primary school teacher. It was found out that creativity is based on the synthesis of
creativity, creation, intelligence, teaching practice, language communicative competence, methodological trainingAbstract
The article deals with the meaning of the concepts ''creativity'' and ''creation'' in the terms of the formation of language communicative personality of the prospective primary school teacher. It was found out that creativity is based on the synthesis of imagination and professional intelligence. Sufficient level of intelligence is a substantial and necessary quality of the creative process. It was found that the creativity of the prospective form master should be developed during the teaching practice, which provides a constant search for creativity, independent development and formation of professional skills. It is concluded that the purpose of teaching practice in terms of formation of language communicative personality of the prospective primary school teacher is to teach students to apply their knowledge of the Ukrainian language in specific situations of professional communication. It is defined that the students should understand that the pupils’ educational achievements are largely dependent on the teacher's creativity, ability to use knowledge and skills developed in the process of modern linguistic and linguistic and methodological training.
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