Building a Сulture of Listening in Methodical Preparation of Future Music Teachers: Praxeological Approach
methodical preparation of future music teacher, music and methodical course, singers’ activity, listening culture, educational praxeologyAbstract
An integral part of the students and teachers’ success in the classroom is a culture of music listening. Formation of listening to music culture largely depends on the direction of educational action of a music teacher, who uses interactive teaching methods and innovative approaches, including praxeological approach. A special role, in this context, belongs to the methodical preparation of future music teachers in the higher pedagogical educational institution. The research materials were scientific papers on methods of music, music psychology; among theoretical methods: analysis, the generalization of academic sources; among empirical: pedagogical observations, surveys, analysis of curriculum; analysis of practical training.
Based on the praxeological approach there are established objectives of methodical preparation of future music teachers, the concept of vocal, singing, the intonation of listening, listening culture. It is determined that the listening activities in the classroom and in higher secondary school certify active and creative character of communication with highly artistic samples of folk, classical and contemporary music, the ability to perceive deeply emotional and semantic content of music. It was found out that the structure of listening culture is based on musical abilities, an ear for music; rhythm, music memory; imagination, emotions. It is suggested that methodical preparation of future teachers of music for the singing activity should take into account the value of the praxeological approach that provides development of improvement features for the growth of productivity, reasonable planning, rational use of time, effort and others.
It is concluded that the purpose and objectives of music and teaching lessons are to promote the development of appropriate methodical knowledge for students according to the organization of music-listening activity of schoolboys; formation of students’ skills to develop listening culture of schoolboys by learning modern experience, preparing training devoted to the organization of listening to music process, musicological, artistic and pedagogical analysis of musical works, taking into account the elements of music and theatrical activities.
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