Theoretical, Historical and Pedagogical Analysis of the Intended Journalists' Professional Training in the Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine




journalistic education, qualified personnel, professional training, higher journalistic education, competency strategy, education and professional process


The article presents the formation of the journalists' training process at the turn of the century (the end of XX – the beginning of XXI). During this period, there was a rethinking of representation, reproduction and perception of information, and journalism was recognized as fourth power. Therefore, the preparation of the highly- qualified journalistic personnel rises essentially. Besides that, there are the urgent need in specialists who could manipulate, use and guide the information to the particular channels from media channels to society, develop media and communication mechanisms, such as Internet communication, which leads to the emergence of new types of media and extends the journalistic areas of responsibility has appeared. In the article the main problems of training of journalistic personals in higher educational establishments of Ukraine are illuminated The comparative analysis takes the information of training of journalistic personnel from the point of view of employers, teachers and shown how journalistic education is supported on state level. Works of scientists and teachers who occupied study of this question are analyzed. The comparative analysis forwards the information to the particular channels from media channels to society. In the article the theoretical recommendations of the improvement of professional preparation of journalists in higher education institutions in accordance with technological, financial and political processes, which take place in a country are stated.


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