Content of the Prospective Experts' Professional Competence in the Sphere of Art Based on Art Pedagogics under the Conditions of College Education
Art Pedagogics, components of the professional competence, prospective experts, artistic profileAbstract
The article deals with the main issues of the professional competence in the field of education. As the title implies the article describes and analyzes the special characteristics of the informative and the structural filling of the prospective teachers' professional competence concerning the area of art in the light of specific features of the College of culture and arts. It is specially noted the structure of the prospective specialists professional competence. Much attention is drawn to Art Pedagogy. It gives a detailed analysis of the tasks correlations between the work of the college and the means of Art Pedagogy in their implementation. Several principle components of the specified competence such as perceptive, emotional and motivational, cognitive, organizational, reflexive-estimative are described and examined.
It is described in short the content and peculiarities of each component of the professional competence taking into account the capacity of Art Pedagogics. Attempts are made to analyze and formulate the significance of the professional competence role in the sphere of art.
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