Key Competencies as an Important Factor in the Formation of Future Specialist (in the Case of Poland)




professional qualifications, competence, key competencies, entrepreneurship


In the context of integration processes occurring in the world today, Ukrainian system of higher education faces new tasks, solutions of which are possible only in the condition of providing sufficient knowledge of the higher educational systems of different foreign countries, especially the Republic of Poland. The main aim of this article is to identify the peculiarities of the key competencies formation of a student of higher educational establishment in the Republic of Poland. The essence of key competencies acquired by graduates of Polish universities is demonstrated in the article. It was found out that the term "key competencies" is considered in Polish scientific circles as: important and useful for the individual and society; allowing successful integration of various social groups; allowing simultaneous preservation of independence; meaning the ability to work effectively in both known and unknown surrounding; enabling constant updating of knowledge and skills in accordance with the rapid development of civilization. The importance of students’ acquirement of such competencies for further professional life is proved. Key competencies are an integral part of human life. Young people must have the skills of independent thinking, problem solving, planning of education and other activities, information search and check of their development. The absence of these can significantly affect future professional and social life of university graduate.


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