Collective Music Making as an Effective Means of Teenage Music and Style Notions Shaping
music and style notions, teen age, collective music making, orchestraAbstract
The article deals with the collective music making as an effective means of teenage music style notions shaping.
The author emphasizes the importance of teen age for music and style notions shaping of a person that is effectively implemented exactly under conditions of collective music making. The article states that the joint efforts of each team member achieve much better common results than individual attempts to implement their own musical style in performing activities of a teenager. The author stresses the importance of collective music for learning musical-historical, musical and theoretical knowledge, intonation and auditory and instrumental performing skills needed to perform style relevant music. The author believes the orchestra performance to be the highest and the most advanced form of collective music-making which is an effective means of forming professional skills of young musicians. The article states that playing in a chamber string orchestra corresponds the most to teen age peculiarities of music activity and promotes effective formation of all components of music and style notions.
Thus, collective music making realizes inherent need of teenagers for communication and is an effective means of formation of their music and style notions. As the highest form of collective music making, a performance in a chamber string orchestra is the most favorable way to master instrumental and technical qualities of musical styles and the most effective means of forming all components of music and style notions of teenage students.
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