Musical Theoretical Approach to Studying the National Stylistics of Classics of Ukrainian Piano Music for Future Musical Art Teachers




genre, national stylistics, national musical language, form-making processes, imagery


Stylistic aesthetic, imaginative sensual and texture evolution of piano music genres in Ukraine in the first third of XX century are analyzed in the article.

It is noted that Ukrainian music experienced great changes at the sharp bend of XIX–XX centuries. Despite a tough reaction and oppressions, which Ukrainian culture suffered in that period, the development of a strong folklore stream, which nourished the oeuvre of famous Ukrainian composers, kept proceeding in the musical art.

The peculiarities of formation of national stylistics in the context of Slavonic and European musical cultures development are figured out. The forming of stylistic renovation features of piano music by classical composers was progressing in the way of assimilation the general legitimacies of European art tendencies on one hand and by the very national features, which found their embodiment in their works on the other hand. The authorial reconsideration of traditional methods of work with the folklore material is inherent in the oeuvre of the majority of Ukrainian composers of the beginning of XX century.

The evidence of the early modernism and its later streams are organically combined in their oeuvre. The specificity of form-making processes and musical language of Ukrainian classical composers is disclosed. The very national peculiarities found their embodiment in their works and in the variety of ways and forms of composers thinking. It was shown in the texture diversity of compositionally expressive means of melodic structure, picturesque and emotional harmonic language, active characteristic rhythm and wide palette of dynamic colors.

The necessity of studying the national stylistics of Ukrainian piano music classics by future musical art teachers is formulated and grounded. In our opinion, the acquisition of musical theoretical approach for understanding the national stylistics of Ukrainian piano music classics should provide the qualitative training of highly qualified future musical art teachers, which are called to form moral aesthetic feelings and beliefs, musical tastes and needs of future generation of Ukrainians.


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