Formation of the Practice-Oriented Skills of the Prospective Social Care Teachers while Studying the Course ''Social Fundraising''
social fundraising, a social care teacher, practice-oriented skillsAbstract
The article deals with the purpose and objectives of the course ''Social Fundraising'' which is necessary to form a complex of practice-oriented skills of the prospective social care teachers, which are developed completing several case studies or tasks while learning this course.
The fundamental practice-oriented skills of the prospective social care teachers and connections with the decision of practical assignments in the process of exploring the social fundraising are analyzed in the article. The author provides vivid examples of practice-oriented assignments for the Social Fundraising by teaching experience of this academic discipline at the university. The main principles of modern fundraising in educational sphere, such as professional character, axiological correspondence, purposefulness, systematicity and information richness are defined. It has been found out that modern fundraising facilitates the opportunity to attract welfare funds and private individuals to educational sphere in such main forms: general support welfare, project or grant welfare, fundamental, corporate, natural, prospective and intermediate welfare. The proposals concerning fundraising development in the system of education (at regulatory, career-oriented, informative and technological, scientific and technical levels) are formulated. The supplement to social care teachers' professional training content for the purpose of training the fundraising activity is formulated.
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