Culturological Approach as the Theoretical and Methodological Basis of the Strategy of Scientifically-Research Culture Formation of Prospective Music Teachers
culturological approach, culturological education, man of culture, cientifically-research culture of future music master as personality phenomenon, work, cultural and expedient pedagogical technologiesAbstract
In the article the perspective and productivity of application of culturological approach are grounded as the conceptual and theoretical foundation of the problem decision of forming the scientifically-research culture of prospective music teachers. It becomes firmly established that by the aim of education as the sociocultural phenomenon its orientation becomes cultural function that must be priority, to answer new positive sociocultural progress trends, oriented on such cultural dominants of contemporaneity, as an anthropocentrism, humanism, democracy, spirituality, morality, encyclopaedic, integrating.
On the basis of the theoretical analysis of culturological and pedagogical sources such methodologically meaningful principles of culturological approach open up the cultural accordance, multiculturalness, cultural and creative. The outlined possible changes are in maintenance of higher musical and pedagogical education in the context of culturological paradigm, that cause the correction of the educational technologies sent to scientifically-research culture forming of prospective music teachers. At normative level it appears in requirements to semantic component such as ''cultural capacious''; judicial side, that differs in integrity, unity and cooperation of all the tools; requirements to educationally-educator space as cultural and expedient, multicultural environment; facilities of diagnostics and monitoring of quality of education; methods of studies as innovative.
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