The Humane-Theological Genesis of Some Aspects of Catholic Social Teaching in the Context of Interfaith Realities in Ukraine




Catholic Church, Catholicism, doctrine, dogmas, social doctrine, social teaching, social service


The article outlines the main aspects of public life, which the social doctrine of the Catholic Church examines.

The basic components of the social doctrine of the Catholic Church are emphasized.

Nowadays the semantics of the concept ''The Church’s social teaching'' has an immensely wide spectrum. It ranges from such a simple phenomenon as charity to the understanding described in the Gospel as ''sacrificing one’s life''.

Due to the drastic social changes and the events of the recent decades, Ukraine has been forced not only to go through one of the most tragic pages of its history, but also to reawaken its significant ''signs of time''. They include social, political and religious cataclysms that have led to the profound reconsideration of the Churches’ meaning and role in social processes.

The Church has never estranged itself from a human. Understanding a human as a gift of God, the Church serves a human in the light of the Gospel of Christ. To serve a human (through diaconia) is the aim and mission of the Church. Furthermore, the Church focuses not only on humans’ spiritual values, but also on their material and social well-being.


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