Harmonization Higher Education Of Ukraine Higher Education In Europe


  • L. Baranovs'ka Національний авіаційний університет, м. Київ, Ukraine




Higher Education Harmonization, Single Europian Space of Higher Education, philologist, foreing, lanquage


This article deals with the key provisions for the harmonization higher education in Ukraine with the Common European Space of Higher Education and Science. They include: the organization of the educational process in the domestic higher educational institutions using the credit and modular technology, the introduction of bachelor and master educational levels; the transformation of the candidate of sciences into a Ph.D., the actualization of the foreign language role as a means of multicultural education and upbringing. It is analyzed the results of a study of Ukrainian scientists on the problems of comparative pedagogy, devoted to the training specialists in foreign language in the conditions of harmonization the European educational space. The basic directions of improvement the national higher philological education are offered. It is determined the significant experience of German, Finland, the Swiss Confederation universities. It is proposed to improve the system of professional selection foreign languages teachers and the development of their professional motivation; to improve the quality of training specialists - philologists in universities with the active use of e-learning, widely implementing such projects as "English through Game-based & Gender-oriented Scenarios", "Introduction to English Historical Linguistics", "SWISSLING", which are developed in the Swiss Confederation, Finland and German universities.


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