Person As Basis Of Society Socio-Cultural Values


  • O. Barno Переяслав-Хмельницький педагогічний університет імені Г. Скровороди, м. Переяслав-Хмельницький, Ukraine



spiritual development, education, spirit, soul, body, personality, spiritual state


The article outlines the key tasks of education as an important cultural institution. It has been characterized pedagogics as humanities science on human education. The basic directions of pedagogics in the context of its historical development are described. There have been done the analysis of the concept of "spirituality", which the author connects with the "higher part of human beings", the "inner life" and "spiritual essence" of man unlike that associated with the material, corporeal branch of human life. Spiritual Development - Development aimed at individual expression system motifs two fundamental needs - ideal social needs and knowledge necessity to live and work for others.


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