Ways Of Formation Of The Spiritual World Of The Modern Lawyer
There is no doubt that vitual activity and inner world of an individual are interconnected. But these problems have not been researched property, it is a pity, but nowadays we observe devastation of individual's innner world and that is the consequence of crimes committed against society. As a result, it leads to a dangerous increase of inner world's destruction and negative occrrences in the society. Under such conditions it is necessary for the lawyersto master cultural attainments of humanity and nation and to raise inner world's standards.
Forming of a morally developed individual is apart of young generation's formation process. Social milieu's changes and moral development of an individual are interconnected. Inner world's development is becomingmore and more up-to-date while forming the independent legal state. That's why the pedagogic-psychological research, concerning the formation of youth's inner world, is extremely actual.
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