Aspects Of Technology Introduction Mes In Training Highly Skilled Workers For The Construction Industry In The National Education System With The Use Of SRO
workforce, labor market, modular technology of training, competence, qualifications, continuous professional training systemAbstract
The article considers the urgency of modernization of professional training of personnel in the education system.
It analyzes research works of labour market formation and functioning of the institutional framework of the Ukrainian labour market. Attention is focused on the foreign experience of introduction of the special institutions of social regulation in different spheres of production, self-regulatory organizations to develop and establish standards and rules of economic activity. The author defines the factors contributing to the increase of competitiveness of a worker in the labour market. He suggests organizational chart for the implementation of vocational training in modular technology, using the resource base of SROs. The article highlights the main ways of implementing the effective functioning of the enforcement mechanism of the workers market of Ukraine with qualified, competitive workers.
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