Scientific And Methodological Foundations Of Developing Ethnocultural Competence Of Personality
ethno-cultural competence, scientific and methodological basis, ethno-cultural educationAbstract
The article deals with the necessity of ethno-cultural education of young people as an urgent issue of modern educational theory and practice in the context of the new educational paradigm. The components and scientific- methodical foundations of developing ethno-cultural competence of personality are considered. It is found that the technology of enhancing ethno-cultural competence of personality is a certain pedagogical system of many interrelated and interdependent holistic components constituting a single whole in its structure aimed at the gradual developing the personal, epistemological, operational, projective components of ethnocultural competence of the youth.The mechanism of ethnic culture and its main functions are analyzed. The stages of ethno-cultural competence levels of a person are identified; the main methods, forms and means of its implementation into the pedagogical process are outlined.
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