Peculiarities Of Hypochondriacal Disorders Of The Specialists Of Different Professions


  • I. Vizniuk Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського, м. Вінниця, Ukraine



mental health and personal growth


In the article the necessity in the latest approaches to the implementation of the state policy to preserve optimal functioning and health of the Ukrainian society is justified. The theoretical and methodological analysis of problem of psychological health and professional growth is carried out. The directions of this phenomenon in the psychological literature are determined. Typical personality traits and behaviours typical to different professions are selected. In particular, there are identified six different styles of specialists’ behaviour, which are distinguished by their individual psychological characteristics according to their competence: practical, scientific, public, traditional, entrepreneurial, and artistic. Attention is focused on the determination of the characteristics of psychodiagnostic approach of hypochondriacal disorders in the specialists of different professions in the aspect of maintaining their health. The model of developing a harmonious creative person is proposed.


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