Psycho-Pedagogical And Philosophical Aspects Of Aggressive Behavior: Attempt Interdisciplinary Analysis


  • O. Vozniuk Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Ukraine



conflict, aggression, , internal and external paths of an individual's self, individual and personal beginning of a man


An attempt to consider the social and psychological mechanisms of aggression is undertaken, using the results of synergetic, that allows to differentiate universal theoretical construct related to two basic states of a man – openness and closeness. The article has it that the person himself determines an attitude to him on the part of the outer world and turns out to be organicly connected with the latter. Therefore it is offerred the centre of gravity in the struggle with the aggression to place from the external life space into the internal plane of a person. The task on harmonizing first of all the very person is set, that leads to harmonizing his encirclement.


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