Methodology Of Singing Reliability Of Future Music Teachers By Means Of Activation Of The Emotional Impact On The Process Of Performing Activity


  • P. Voloshyn Уманський державний педагогічний університет імені Павла Тичини, м.Умань, Ukraine



future teachers of music, reliability, singing, musical performance, emotional impact, vocal works


The article raises the problem of the training of teachers of artistic disciplines to the musical performance, improve the singing learning technologies, which traditionally are an essential component of training and education, in particular, the problem of formation of singing reliability as a component of music and performing arts. Particular attention in the formation of the said component of the future teacher's personality is given to the selection of the musical repertoire and creation of conditions for the predominance of positive emotions in students. Develop an effective method of purposeful formation singing reliability of future music teachers, which would ensure flawless interpretation of vocal works in any environment activities.


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