Metodycheskoe Osnovoy Formationprofessional Akterskoho Mastery Studentovin The Field Of Art Audyovyzual


  • I. Havran Київський Національний Університет Культури і Мистецтв, м. Київ, Ukraine



professional ability, cognitive process, endowments, interaction, professionalisation, self-improvement, actor


The article discusses the issue of formation of professional acting students. Analyzed aspects of the relationship the professional abilityand General giftedness of the personality of the actor, revealed their importance in the process of professionalization of the position of the evolutionary development of students in the field of audiovisual art. The attention the importance of the creative process aimed at self-identity as one of the foundations of achieving the heights of creativity.

The complexity of the description common patterns of the existence of a creative personality is that combination of qualities of the creative person is practically endless, which is why more rational is not to systematize general trends in the development of creative personality, only to describe, to suggest possible options and ways of generalization for the benefit of creative people to allow their own self-organization as the most productive direction of development.


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