Methodological Bases Of Development Of Pedagogical Creativity Of Future Teachers Of Preschool Educational Institutions
creative personality, pedagogical creativity, creativity, creative self-realizationAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of development of pedagogical creativity of future teachers in the conditions of modernization of the content of modern pre-school education, introduction of a new paradigm of education, the purpose of which is the formation of a person of modern time, development of its creative abilities and creative potential. The article summarizes and formulates definition of "creativity". Principles of professional training of future teachers of preschool educational institutions for pedagogical creativity are substantiated. The role of an educator in the development of creative potential of personality, from early preschool age is idenified. Indicators of creative potential of personality of a tutor of children of preschool age are determined. The conclusion has theoretical and practical importance for actualization of creative activities of preschool education specialists
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