Professional Masterness Of The Teacher-Researcher As Preconditions Of The Personal Growth Of The Scientific Youth


  • A. Dubasenyuk Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Ukraine



up-bringing, pedagogue-up-bringer, up-bringing activity, professional skill, professional skill levels


The article noted the importance of the education of youth. Its culture, level of education and upbringing the further development of Ukrainian society as a whole are depended on. It is noted that a key figure in this process is the teacher-educator. The term "up-bringer" the professional role of the civil and personal position adopted by one person and implemented in relation to another person or to the collective is integrated. The main components of the up-bringer's success – his high professionalism and moral authority are outlined. The importance of such activities of up-bringer are covered: projective, predictive, gnostic, diagnostic, communication. Teaching master level of activity is a set of properties of the personality (humanistic orientation of the activity of the teacher, his professional knowledge, pedagogical skills and teaching technique), providing a high level of self-organization of professional activity and personal self-development of the subjects of educational process. On this basis the levels of professional skills of a teacher (reproductive, adaptive, locally and simulation, system modeling knowledge, system and simulation activities and conduct) are analyzed.


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