The Principle Of Conformity To Culture Education Of Young Generation In The Context Of Modern State Educational Priorities
The article deals with the analysis of the place of сultural responsibility principle in the contents of modern educational regulationsAbstract
The article analyzes the place of the principle of conformity to culture in the content of modern educational normative documents. Attention is focused on the national idea as a key concept of the entire system of education in Ukraine. The necessity of reforming the education system in Ukraine on the principles of conformity to culture education is proved. It is noted that the principle of conformity to culture education is the leading principle of national education and suggests an organic connection with the history of the people, their language, cultural and progressive domestic and religious traditions, folk art, traditions and cultures of other peoples of the world, providing spiritual unity, and continuity of generations, the link of education with life. Priority directions of realization of the fundamental goals and principles of education in the national education system are defined.
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