Development Of Reflextive Competence And Subjectivity As The Signs Of The Personality Of The Future Teacher In The University


  • V. Zhelanova Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка, м. Київ, Ukraine



attributes of giftedness, reflexive competence, subjectivity, reflexogenesis, subectogenesis


The article substantiates the urgency of the problem of education and pedagogical support of talented youth. It analyzes the phenomenon of a "talented child" in research works of the leading modern scientists. The article suggests author's interpretation of the reflexive competence, based on the principles of metacompetencies and integrative characteristics of personality. It presents reflexive competence and subjectivity as characteristics of the talented personality of a student. A motivational-valuable, cognitive and operational-active components of reflective competence are considered. It represents a professional position, teaching experience, subject expertise, capacity for reflection, anticipation as components of subjectivity of a future teacher. The article also analyzes the dynamics of the components of reflexive competence and subjectivity in the format of reflex genesis and subject genesis processes.


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