Images Of Heroes In The Poem "Word On The Igoresh Cell" And Their Traction In The School Textbooks Of The 20th Century
hero, heroism, patriotism, history of literary education, school textbooks, Ukrainian literature, the spiritual world of the individualAbstract
The article is based on an analysis of the poem «Slovo o polky Igorevim» and some school textbooks of the 20th century. The characteristic of images was made as well as clarified their interpretation in the history of literary education of that period. The author found out that characters of the poem were caused by reality of life at the end of 12th century and reflected the philosophical ideas of personality at that period, and symbolized the ideas of patriotism, national freedom, honor, unity, and desire to create national identity of the Ukrainian people. It was concluded that poem «Slovo o polky Igorevim» in school textbooks of the 20th century was treated as the apotheosis of war valor, loyalty to the Motherland, courage and bravery. The best Ukrainian knight virtues, that was shown in the images of the heroic poem, served as the aims of Soviet ideology, because all that was used for formation the Soviet patriotism and internationalism, understanding the disastrous of strife for the welfare of «the masses».
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